Apr 062010

Lunch and Learn to be held at Calgary Technologies Inc on April 14, 2010

Are you facing challenges of obtaining regulatory approvals for your product? Marketing a product in new countries/regions is a very challenging prospect made all the more difficult by a maze of regulatory approvals requirements and processes.  Tom Smith will provide insight into the current regulatory maze and methods which can be used to minimize time and cost in obtaining approvals. Tom has over 27 years experience in global regulatory approvals for a wide variety of electronic products.

Lunch & Learn sessions are held at 12:00pm in a boardroom at the Alastair Ross Technology Centre (3553 31 Street NW, Calgary). Lunches can be purchased at Choices Cafe in the lobby.  For more information please contact Rosie Manaloto at rmanaloto@calgarytechnologies.com.

Nov 132009

I have often heard it said that if you can survive in the realm of regulatory approvals for any more than 5 years, you should be automatically admitted to the bar. Though that may be overstating the case, it is true that the world of regulatory approvals can be quite overwhelming with the drive for globalization; the additional scope of regulatory requirements which include environmental requirements such as RoHS and WEEE; changes to industry standards, and the on-going changes for the various markets around the world.  These on-going changes leave us with the reality that the job of a regulatory engineer requires us to keep constantly alert just to stay where we are. This can be especially challenging for those regulatory engineers or technologists who cannot spend their full time on the job, and must time share with a design role, or a quality systems management role.

In an effort to assist those who are struggling to keep up to date, we have created some additional, freely accessible tools. Included in these tools are the TJS Technical Services Twitter account (TJS_Technical) and this blog (http://blog.tjstechnical.com).  The tools work together harmoniously: the Twitter account – and associated RSS News feed – will provide users with on-going quick news briefs about key events and developments within the scope of the services provided by TJS Technical Services  on a daily basis if required. The blog will provide a means by which we can provide more detail on these events if, and as required, or comment on more general developments or trends, and will be updated at least bi-weekly.

We invite you to make use of the information on this blog, and to sign up to follow us on Twitter.  Please  also subscribe to the list to be notified as new posts are added to the blog.

We request that you provide us with feedback regarding how we can improve this service, or suggestion for future topics for the blog.



